About Us

Dan was educated as a chemical engineer at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, where he earned his B.A.Sc. degree. In his engineering career, Dan has specialized in applying new technologies in the area of automatic process control - from basic feedback controls to advanced multivariate constraint controls. As an employee or as a consultant, Dan has helped companies such as Honeywell, Petro-Canada, Dow Chemicals, Imperial Oil, Invensys, Aspen Technologies and Millenium Chemicals. In 2000, Dan took a leave of absence to learn web page programming and to launch his first web project MyLanguageExchange.com. He continues to maintain ties with the engineering community. Dan is passionate about helping others achieve and finding innovative uses of new technologies to solve existing problems.



SQL Server Database

Microsoft's SQL Server is a truly enterprise scale relational database. Your web application can retreive from a table containing hundreds of thousands of records apparently as quickly as from a small database.

Learn how we can help you implement SQL Server in your website.

Advanced Process Control

Implement multivariable constraint optimizing controllers on your process. Ensure your process always operates at its most profitable point.

Learn how we can help you with your advanced control project.
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